Boinx's Blog

Stepping stone

Ruby pt.1

So I recently took up Ruby course in Code Academy and I’ll share some of the basic codes of Ruby that I’ve already taken up on Code Academy.

Declaring Variables for different Data Types

my_Name = "Boinx" #String
my_Decision = True #Boolean
my_age = 21 #Integer

Puts and Print

 puts "Hi"
 puts "Hello!"
 print "Boinx"
 print "Bantug"


When you use “puts”, it’ll automatically print the next item you’ll print on the next line unlike “print” which prints the next item on the same line.


"Boinx".length  #Will return the length of the string "Boinx"
"Hello".reverse #Will return the reverse of the string "Hello" which is "olleH"
"BOINX".downcase #Will make all the letters in lowercase.
"boinx".upcase #Will make all the letters in uppercase.
"boinx".capitalize #Will make the first letter in uppercase.


#using "#" in comment will allow you to put a comment on one line or single line comments

 And this is how to make a multi line comment.
 Start it with "=begin"
 and close it with "=end"

Getting inputs from users

first_name = gets
last_name = gets.chomp

"gets" is the method for getting user inputs. I used a variable here to store the users' input, the .chomp method is used
to eliminate the extra blank line produced by Ruby when getting users' input.

Printing variables

first_name = "Boinx"

print #{first_name}

Conditional Statements

user_num = 0;
happy = true

if user_num < 0
    puts "Less than zero"
elsif user_num > 0
    puts "Greater than zero"
    puts "Equal to zero"

unless happy
    puts "I'm sad!"
    puts "I'm happy!"


counter = 1
number = 20

#While Loop
while counter < 11
    puts counter
    counter += 1

#Until Loop
until counter == 10
    puts counter
    counter +=1

#For Loop
for number in 1...15 #doesn't include 15 when printed
    puts num

for number in 1..15 #includes 15 when printed
    puts num

#Loop method
loop do  #prints the number until number == 0
    number -=1
    print "#{number}"
    break if number <=0

loop do #prints the number until number == 0  but skips even numbers.
    number -=1
    next if i%2 == 0
    print "#{number}"
    break if number <=0

Making an Array

boinxArray = [1,2,3,4,5]

Iterating on Array

boinxArray = [1,2,3,4,5]

boinxArray.each do |a| #You can use any name on your item, here I've used "a"
    #enter what you want to do here

.times method

20.times{puts "Hello"}

#This will print out 20 "Hello"

That’s it for now will update my blog for part 2. Thanks!